Legend Files

Legend Files
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This section provides access to the Legends of the European Soil Database (ESDB). The public user can download all the Legend files related to the European Soil Database and use them for his own purposes. The objective of these Legend Files (Version 1.0) is to standardise the Legends related to Soil data conform with the instructions described in the "Manual of Procedures Version 1.1". The Legend files are available either in AVL format (for both ESRI ArcView 3.x and ArcGIS 9.x) or in LYR format (for ESRI ArcGIS 9.x only). For instructions on how to apply LYR or AVL files in ArcGIS 9.x, open theon-line help. Use of AVL files with ArcView 3.x happens in similar fashion (will be documented later). In the following table click on Bullet:

  • new (Jun 2010) Download the LYR File (Layer) for Raster ESRI ArcGIS 9.3. Since many of the internet users have downloaded the Raster Version of the European Soil Database, we have developed the responding Legend files which may be imported in the Symbology of Layer Properties
  • bullet Download the LYR File (Layer) for ESRI ArcGIS 9
  • bullet Download the AVL File (Layer) for ESRI ArcView 3.2. Find attached the instructions on how to import from AVL file. Download it in your hard disk and then import in your ArcGIS application.
  • bullet Download the KMZ File (Google Earth)
  • bullet Preview and download the map in a JPG format.
  • bullet Preview and download the Legend image in a JPG format.  : View the Attribute coding of the database.

Limitation to Agricultural use

Database Field Description LYR for Raster LYR for Shape AVL File Google Earth Preview
AGLIM1 Code of the most important limitation to agricultural use of the STU.
bullet     info
AGLIM2 Code of a secondary limitation to agricultural use of the STU.
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Soil Classification WRB

Database Field Description LYR for Raster LYR for Shape AVL File Google Earth Preview
WRB-FULL Full soil code of the STU from the World Reference Base (WRB) for Soil Resources.
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WRB-ADJ1 First soil adjective code of the STU from the World Reference Base (WRB) for Soil Resources.
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WRB-ADJ2 Second soil adjective code of the STU from the World Reference Base (WRB) for Soil Resources.
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WRB-LEV1 Soil reference group code of the STU from the World Reference Base (WRB) for Soil Resources.
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Database Field Description LYR for Raster LYR for Shape AVL File Google Earth Preview
TEXT-DEP-CHG Depth class to a textural change of the dominant and/or secondary surface 3 of the STU.
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TEXT-SRF-DOM Dominant surface textural class of the STU.
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TEXT-SRF-SEC Secondary surface textural class of the STU.
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TEXT-SUB-DOM Dominant sub-surface textural class of the STU.
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TEXT-SUB-SEC Secondary sub-surface textural class of the STU.
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Parent Material

Database Field Description LYR for Raster LYR for Shape AVL File Google Earth Preview
PAR-MAT-DOM Code for dominant parent material of the STU.
PAR-MAT-DOM1 Major group code for the dominant parent material of the STU.
PAR-MAT-DOM2 Second level code for the dominant parent material of the STU.
PAR-MAT-DOM3 Third level code for the dominant parent material of the STU.
PAR-MAT-SEC Code for secondary parent material of the STU.
PAR-MAT-SEC1 Major group code for the secondary parent material of the STU.
PAR-MAT-SEC2 Second level code for the secondary parent material of the STU.
PAR-MAT-SEC3 Third level code for the secondary parent material of the STU.

Soil Classification FAO

Database Field Description LYR for Raster LYR for Shape AVL File Google Earth Preview
FAO85-FULL Full soil code of the STU from the 1974 (modified CEC 1985) FAO-UNESCO Soil Legend
FAO85-LEV1 Soil major group code of the STU from the 1974 (modified CEC 1985) FAO-UNESCO Soil Legend.
FAO85-LEV2 Second level soil code of the STU from the 1974 (modified CEC 1985) FAO-UNESCO Soil Legend.
FAO85-LEV3 Third level soil code of the STU from the 1974 (modified CEC 1985) FAO-UNESCO Soil Legend.
FAO90-FULL Full soil code of the STU from the 1990 FAO-UNESCO Soil Legend.
FAO90-LEV1 Soil major group code of the STU from the 1990 FAO-UNESCO Soil Legend.
FAO90-LEV2 Second level soil code of the STU from the 1990 FAO-UNESCO soil legend

Land Use

Database Field Description LYR for Raster LYR for Shape AVL File Google Earth Preview
USE-DOM Code for dominant land use of the STU.
USE-SEC Code for secondary land use of the STU.

Obstacle-Impermeable-Soil Water Regime

Database Field Description LYR for Raster LYR for Shape AVL File Google Earth Preview
IL Code for the presence of an impermeable layer within the soil profile of the STU.
ROO Depth class of an obstacle to roots within the STU.
WR Dominant annual average soil water regime class of the soil profile of the STU.

Water Management System

Database Field Description LYR for Raster LYR for Shape AVL File Google Earth Preview
WM1 Code for normal presence and purpose of an existing water management system in agricultural land on more than 50% of the STU.
WM2 Code for the type of an existing water management system.

Altitude - Slope

Database Field Description LYR for Raster LYR for Shape AVL File Google Earth Preview
SLOPE-DOM Dominant slope class of the STU.
SLOPE-SEC Secondary slope class of the STU.
ZMAX Maximum elevation above sea level of the STU (in metres).
ZMIN Minimum elevation above sea level of the STU (in metres).

Primary Properties

Database Field Description LYR for Raster LYR for Shape AVL File Google Earth Preview
ALT Elevation
OC_TOP Topsoil organic carbon content.
PEAT Peat.
TEXT Dominant surface textural class (completed from dominant STU).

Chemical Properties

Database Field Description LYR for Raster LYR for Shape AVL File Google Earth Preview
BS_SUB Base saturation of the subsoil.
BS_TOP Base saturation of the topsoil.
CEC_SUB Subsoil cation exchange capacity.
CEC_TOP Topsoil cation exchange capacity.
DIFF Soil profile differentiation.
MIN Profile mineralogy.
MIN_SUB Subsoil mineralogy.
MIN_TOP Topsoil mineralogy.

Mechanical Properties

Database Field Description LYR for Raster LYR for Shape AVL File Google Earth Preview
DR Depth to rock.
PD_SUB Subsoil packing density.
PD_TOP Topsoil packing density.
STR_SUB Subsoil structure.
STR_TOP Topsoil structure.
TD Rule infered subsoil 3.
VS Volume of stones

Hydrological Properties

Database Field Description LYR for Raster LYR for Shape AVL File Google Earth Preview
AWC_SUB Subsoil available water capacity.
AWC_TOP Topsoil available water capacity.
DGH Depth to a gleyed horizon.
DIMP Depth to an impermeable layer.
EAWC_SUB Subsoil easily available water capacity.
EAWC_TOP Topsoil easily available water capacity.
HG Hydrogeological class.
PMH Parent material hydrogeological type.


Database Field Description LYR for Raster LYR for Shape AVL File Google Earth Preview
AGLIM1NNI Dominant limitation to agricultural use (without no information).
AGLIM2NNI Secondary limitation to agricultural use (without no information).
ATC Accumulated temperature class.
CRUSTING Soil crusting class.
ERODIBILITY Soil erodibility class.
PHYS-CHIM Physi-chemical factor of soil crusting & erodibility.
TEXT-CRUST Textural factor of soil crusting.
TEXT-EROD Textural factor of soil erodibility.
USE Regrouped land use class.

new (Jun 2010): 73 Raster LYR files are available in this Zip File  (0.4 MB) 
new (Jun 2010): 73 LYR files (ArcGIS 9.3) are available in this Zip File  (0.2 MB) 
73 AVL files (ArcGIS 9.2) are available in this Zip File  (0.2 MB) 
All the 73 AVL files (ArcVIEW 3.2) are available in this Zip File  (0.2 MB) 
All the 73 Image Preview files are available in this Zip File  (22 MB) 
All the 73 Legend images are available in this Zip File  (1.5 MB)

P.S: The LYR files are offered also for Raster Files.

Acknowledgement: Daniel Sampson, Student of the European School, Varese, Italy (for his contribution in developing the Raster Lagends)