The soil maps of Latin America & Caribbean islands
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Citation: Selvaradjou, S-K., L. Montanarella, O. Spaargaren and D. Dent (2005). European Digital Archive of Soil Maps (EuDASM) - Soil Maps of Latin America and Carribean Islands (DVD-Rom version). EUR 21822 EN. Office of the Official Publications of the European Comunities, Luxembourg.

By Keyword (demography) - Central America

Title: Potential population supporting capacities - high levels of inputs
Year: 1982
Publisher: FAO, IIASA
Language: English,, French
Scale: 10000000
Keywords: demography
Title: Potential population supporting capacities - intermediate levels of inputs
Year: 1982
Publisher: FAO, IIASA
Language: English,, French
Scale: 10000000
Keywords: demography
Title: Potential population supporting capacities - low levels of inputs
Year: 1982
Publisher: FAO, IIASA
Language: English,, French
Scale: 10000000
Keywords: demography