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Desertification Indicator System for Mediterranean Europe

1. Definition

Brief definition The temporal distribution of rainfall (monthly) in Mediterranean landscapes
Unit of measure

Three possible units of measure:

  • Season rainfall/total rainfall (%)
  • Monthly rainfall/total rainfall (%)
  • Index: Seasonality Index (SI) (derived by Walsh and Lawler (1981) or Markham technique, to determine the months with most rainfall seasonality
Spatial scale  
Temporal scale  

2. Position within the logical framework DPSIR

Type of Indicator State

3. Target and political pertinence

Objective The objective of this indicator is to assess the importance of one of the climatic conditions that affect desertification, the occurrence of rainfall.
Importance with respect to desertification Rainfall seasonality affects the soil and vegetation characteristics in an area. The annual distribution of rainfall can explain the vegetation distribution and composition and the sensitivity of soil to erosion processes. Vegetation composition and distribution depends on the amount of water available, in addition to nutrients in the soil (soil composition) and other climatic conditions, as temperature and potential evapotranspiration. The measure of the rainfall seasonality is important to set the soil capacity to maintain water storage to be used by plants. It is also important to determine the hydric stress that occurs in the more dry and warm months and can determine the presence or absence of vegetation. It is also very important when viewed in the light of runoff generation. In semi-arid Mediterranean areas erosion processes are determined by intense rainfall, more likely to happen when rainfall is concentrated over a short period of time. This is the most important process of soil erosion, especially with high-energy rainfall at the end of the summer or beginning of autumn. In addition, these processes and their effects can be increased by the absence of vegetation cover, more likely to happen in areas where the irregular rainfall distribution makes hydric stress greater in some months, especially during the summer.
International Conventions and agreements The UNCCD emphasizes that combating desertification must be tackled within the general framework of actions to promote sustainable development.
Secondary objectives of the indicator Contribution to the definition and mapping of ESAs and evaluation of the desertification risk of an area.

4. Methodological description and basic definitions

Definitions and basic concepts Rainfall seasonality can be defined as the irregular distribution of rainfall during a normal year. This irregular distribution means that most of the rainfall occurs in specific months (that can be identified with specific seasons). This phenomenon is quite usual in Mediterranean areas, where most of the rainfall occurs in the autumn and in the spring. Normally this seasonality comes with irregular distribution of the amount of rainfall in each episode. Most of the rainfall quantity is accounted for in a few violent storms.
Benchmarks Indication of the values/ranges of value

Three different ranges of values can be used:

Season rainfall/total rainfall (%). From 0 to 100%. The statistical theoretic "normal" value for each season is 25%

Monthly rainfall/total rainfall (%). An equal distribution would assign approximately 8% to each month. The bigger the difference the more the seasonality.

In the case of using an index there are other ranges of values:

Seasonality Index (SI), derived by Walsh and Lawler (1981) (explanation below):

Sii Precipitation regime
<0.19 Precipitation spread throughout the year
0.20-0.39 Precipitation spread throughout the year, but with a definite wetter season
0.40-0.59 Rather seasonal with a short drier season
0.60-0.79 Seasonal
0.80-0.99 Marked seasonal with a long dry season
1.00-1.19 Most precipitation in <3 months
>1.20 Extreme seasonality, with almost all precipitation in 1-2 months

Using the Markham technique:

When P%i is>8% a concentration of precipitation is taking place in month I, where i=months(1…12)

Methods of measurement

The measurement of rainfall is standardized and the data can be easily obtained.

If Season rainfall/total rainfall (%) or Monthly rainfall/total rainfall (%) are used then calculations are very simple. In the case of using an index some transformations are needed:

Seasonality Index (SI), derived by Walsh and Lawler (1981)

The following transformation is needed:

Where Ri is the total annual precipitation for the particular year under study and Xin is the actual monthly precipitation for month n. Higher index values indicate a great overall departure from an equal distribution of precipitation trough the year, with near zero values indicating that there is little or no seasonal variation in precipitation. It is important to know that although we can calculate this index using long -term average monthly precipitation data directly this is not a good option since the resulting index possesses a lower magnitude, since the process of averaging smoothes year-to-year "noise" in the monthly precipitation values. Alternatively, it is much more suitable to do it year by year and then calculate the mean value for the calculated period.

One problem with this index is that it does not indicate when or how wetter periods are distributed through the year. To overcome this difficulty we can use a "replicability index" to indicate whether or not the wettest period occurs over a small range of months or whether it may occur in any month during the year. Higher values of the replicability index indicate that the wettest month of the year generally occurs in the same range of months every year. Lower values show a distribution spread more evenly over different months.

Markham technique

This can be used to determine which are the months with more rainfall seasonality, using the smoothed percentages index. In this index the median monthly precipitation is expressed as a percentage of the monthly rainfalls. The monthly percentages, P%, are then subjected to a weighted smoothing by considering the months before and after the one selected:

Where i=months(1…12)

When P%i is>8% a concentration of precipitation is taking place in month i.

Limits of the indicator The necessary data is easily obtained and common in any meteorological data collection.
Linkages with other indicators Rainfall, Rainfall erosivity, Potential evapotranspiration, Drought index, Aridity index, Rainfall-runoff relationship.

5. Evaluation of data needs and availability

Data required to calculate the indicator Daily or monthly rainfall
Data sources Necessary data are usually available and accessible and the cost/benefit ratio is reasonable.
Availability of data from national and international sources Data can be obtained from various local, regional, national or international institutions involved in the collection and the analysis of meteorological data.

6. Institutions that have participated in developing the indicator

Main institutions responsible University of Murcia, Spain
Other contributing organizations Agricultural University of Athens, Universities of Basilicata, Amsterdam, Leeds, Lisbon

7. Additional information


Summer, G., Homar, V., Ramis, C., 2001. Precipitation seasonality in eastern and southern Coastal Spain. International Journal of Climatology 21: 219-247 (2001)

Walsh PD, Lawler DM., 1981. Rainfall seasonality: description, spatial patterns and change through time. Weather 36: 201-208

López Bermúdez,F.; Garcia Gomez,J. 2004: Variaciones y tendencias de las temperaturas en Murcia durante los últimos 140 años. En Historia, Clima y Paisaje. Estudios geográficos en memoria del Prof. Antonio López Gómez. Universitat de València, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universitat D´Alacant. ISBN: 84-370-5864-3., Valencia, pp.353-362Alonso Sarria,F.; López-Bermúdez,F.,1994: "Rainfall time and space variability during short storms in South-East Spain". Geoökodynamik., XV, 3: 261-278.

Alonso-Sarria,F.; López-Bermúdez,F.; Conesa-Garcia,C.,2002: Synoptic Conditions Producing Extreme Rainfall Events along the Mediterranean Coast of the Iberian Peninsula. In Drylands Rivers. Hydrology ad Gemorphology of Semi-arid Channels. Edited by L.J. Bull and M.J. Kirkby. ISBN 0-471-49123-3. John Wiley & Sons. Chichester. England, pp. 351-372.

Other references

González Hidalgo, J.C., De Luis, M., Raventós, J. and Sánchez, J.R., 2001 Spatial Distribution of Seasonal Rainfall trends in a Western Mediterranean Area. International Journal of Climatology, 21: 843-860

Garcia De Pedraza ,L., 1971: Los torrenciales aguaceros en la cuenca mediterránea. Calendario Meteorológico. Servicio Meteorológico Nacional. Madrid: 160-166

ICONA, 1988: Agresividad de la lluvia en España. Valores del factor R de la USLE. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. .ICONA. Madrid, 39 99

Lopez Bermudez, F., 1990 : "El clima mediterráneo semiárido como factor de erosión". Estudios Geográficos., Tomo LI, núm 199-200 C.S.I.C., Madrid. pp. 489-506

López Bermúdez,F.; Romero Diaz, M.A.,1993: "Génesis y consecuencias erosiva de las lluvias de alta intensidad en la Región mediterránea". Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, Vol.18-19: 7-28. Universidad de La Rioja. Logroño, España

López Bermúdez,F.; Garcia Gómez,J.: Desertification in the Arid and semiarid Mediterranean Region. A Food Security Issue. In Desertification in the Mediterranean Region. A Security Issue. J.L. Rubio, W.Kepner, D. M. Pedrazzini, Eds. NATO - CCMS and Science Committee (In press)López Gomez, A., 1983: Lluvias catastróficas mediterráneas. Estudios Geográficos, 170-171: 11-29

Romero Diaz, A.; Gonzalez Barbera, G.; López Bermúdez,F., 1995: "Relationship between soil erosion, rainfall and vegetation cover in the semiarid environment of South East of Iberian Peninsula". In Erosion and Land Degradation in the Mediterranean. Proceeding of International Geographical Union. European Commission, DG-XII. The University of Aveiro. Portugal: 59-73

Wischmeier,W.H:, Smith,D.D., 1959: A rainfall erosion index for a Universal Soil.-Loss Equation. Proc. Soil. Sci .Soc. Am.,23: 246-249

Contacts Name and address University of Murcia
Jorge García Gómez jorgegg@um.es
Pr. Francisco López-Bermúdez lopber@um.es