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Desertification Indicator System for Mediterranean Europe

1. Definition

Brief definition

Slope gradient refers to the angle which any part of the earth's surface makes with an horizontal datum.

Sloping land in which vegetation has been removed subjected to high erosion rates (photo C. Kosmas)
Unit of measure %, degrees

2. Position within the logical framework DPSIR

Type of Indicator State

3. Target and political pertinence

Objective Contribution to (a) the definition and mapping of ESAs and (b) assessment of the desertification risk of an area.
Importance with respect to desertification Soil erosion is considered as the main process of land degradation and desertification in hilly Mediterranean areas. Generally speaking, soil sediment loss can be estimated by the product of the amount of surface water run-off times the slope gradient times a constant related to soil surface characteristics. As the slope becomes steeper, the runoff coefficient increases, the kinetic energy and carrying capacity of surface water flow becomes greater, soil stability and slope stability decreases, soil sediment loss increase. Therefore, slope gradient is undoubtedly considered as one of the most important determinants of soil erosion and desertification.
International Conventions and agreements The CCD emphasizes that combating desertification must be tackled within the general framework of actions to promote sustainable development.
Secondary objectives of the indicator Within the ESA model investigation of the individual processes linked to land degradation and desertification.

4. Methodological description and basic definitions

Definitions and basic concepts

Slope gradient greatly affects amount of surface water run-off and soil sediment loss. Soil erosion rates becomes acute when slope angle exceeds a critical value and then increases logarithmically. The slope gradient can have variable effect in different climatic zones, depending mainly on annual rainfall. Measurements conducted in different areas with natural vegetation in the Mediterranean region have shown that severely eroded soils prevail in semi-arid climatic conditions with slopes greater than 12%, while slightly to moderately eroded soils are found in dry sub-humid climatic zones under similar slopes.

The amount of sediment transported after each rainfall event is a function of climate, vegetation, topography and soil which can be estimated by the equation:

S=kq(**m) L (**n)

where: S is the sediment loss (t ha-1), k is soil erodibility, q is overland flow discharge per unit width, L is local slope gradient, and m, n, are empirical exponents to be determined. Except slope gradient, slope length is also important affecting soil loss due to surface water runoff. Tillage erosion caused by tillage implements is greatly affected by slope gradient. As the following equation shows, soil erosion is propotionally relted to slope gradient. The flux of soil in the direction of ploughing (Qs, in kg m-1) per tillage operation can be determined by the equation:

Qs = D*BD*G*B

where, D is the ploughing depth (m), BD is the bulk density of the soil (kg m-3), G is slope gradient (tan), and B is coefficient, corresponding to plough depth D.

Benchmarks Indication of the values/ranges of value
  • <6 %
  • 6-18 %
  • 18-35 %
  • >35 %
Methods of measurement Slope gradient can be easily measured (a) by using topographic maps, and (b) in the field by using a clinimeter or by rough estimation.
Limits of the indicator The quality of the indicator depends on the scale of measurement.
Linkages with other indicators Soil depth, Slope aspect, Rainfall, Vegetation cover.

5. Evaluation of data needs and availability

Data required to calculate the indicator A topographic map.
Data sources Necessary data are usually available and accessible and the cost/benefit ratio is reasonable.
Availability of data from national and international sources Data can be obtained from various regional, national or international institutions involved in collecting topographic data.

6. Institutions that have participated in developing the indicator

Main institutions responsible Agricultural University of Athens
Other contributing organizations Universities of Lisbon, Murcia, Basilicata, Amsterdam, Leeds

7. Additional information

Bibliography Kosmas, C., Kirkby, M. and Geeson, N. 1999. Manual on: Key indicators of desertification and mapping environmentally sensitive areas to desertification. European Commission, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, EUR 18882, 87 p.
Other references

Kirkby, M., & Cox, N.J., 1995. A climatic index for soil erosion potential (CSEP) including seasonal and vegetation factors. Catena, 25: 333 - 352.

Kirkby, M., 1998. Modelling across scales: The Medalus family of models. In: J. Boardman and D. Favis-Mortlock (Editors), Modelling Soil Erosion by Water. NATO ASI Series, Vol. 155, pp. 161 - 173.

Kirkby, M.J., Le Bissonais, Y., Coulthard, T.J., Daroussin, J., & McMahon, M.D., 2000. The development of Land Quality Indicators for Soil Degradation by Water Erosion. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 81: 125 - 136

Kosmas, C., Danalatos, N.G, and Gerontidis, St. 2000. The effect of land parameters on vegetation performance and degree of erosion under Mediterranean conditions. Catena, 40:3-17.

Lindstrom, M.J., Nelson, W.W, Schumacher, T.E., 1992. Quantifying tillage erosion rates due to moldboard plowing. Soil and Tillage Research 24, 243-264.

Contacts Name and address

Agricultural University of Athens, Laboratory of Soils and Agricultural Chemistry, Iera Odos 75, Athens 11855, Greece

Dr Constantinos Kosmas

email: lsos2kok@aua.gr