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Desertification Indicator System for Mediterranean Europe

1. Definition

Brief definition In hydrology, permeability describes the capacity of soil to transmit water. It depends upon the pores in the soil and how they are connected. It is a dynamic soil property that is affected by soil organisms, land use and soil moisture.
Unit of measure m/day, cm/hour or mm/hour
Spatial scale local
Temporal scale minutes to weeks

2. Position within the logical framework DPSIR

Type of Indicator state, impact and response

3. Target and political pertinence

Objective Changes in permeability can be easily monitored and used to demonstrate positive or negative impacts of land use. These include soil structure decline, compaction or improvement resulting from soil management. It is used as a headline indicator in the United States Rangeland Assessment Methodology. It can be used as part of a soil quality score card.
Importance with respect to desertification Permeability is primarily an indicator of the ability of the soil to store water. The general values reflect the rocks and vegetation that make up the specific geo-ecosystem (e.g. basalt, limestone, marls and granite). It is usually high beneath plants where there are many macropores, but low in areas of clayey soils. It is greatly affected by loss of organic matter, soil compaction (cultivation and grazing). Changes in permeability can provide an early warning of soil degradation, flood risk and erosion. The level of permeability is also indicative of the potential water and nutrient availability to plants. Loss of permeability is probably a major cause of flooding. Hydrological models require estimations of permeability to predict runoff. When soils become dispersive, because of the accumulation of salts by evaporation, this can cause an order of magnitude drop in the permeability.
International Conventions and agreements Although attention is given to soil depth and erosion as key indicators, a good case could be made for soil permeability as it gives early warning. It is not just soil depth that is important but the capacity of the soil to store water and to retain its integrity under the forces of erosion.
Secondary objectives of the indicator As a general measure of soil quality and management performance.

4. Methodological description and basic definitions

Definitions and basic concepts In arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas, soil permeability is spatially and temporarily highly variable. Distinctions are made between the types of macro-meso-micro permeability that occur on cultivated and natural systems. With macro-permeability, there may be a ploughpan with a low permeability at a depth of about 30 - 40 cm. At the micro scale, permeability reflects the activities of soil organisms. Irrigation can have a negative impact on permeability if soils are not managed properly.
Benchmarks Indication of the values/ranges of value Values of permeability are highly variable in semi-natural systems (e.g. 0.5 to 15 cm/hour). During rainfall values decline as soils respond to wetting. The saturated hydraulic conductivity of a soil (one measure of the permeability) should in general be in the order of several mm/hour but preferably several cm per hour. Macro pores mean that very highly permeable conditions frequently exist adjacent to zones of low permeability.
Methods of measurement In situ measurements and estimations can be made using improvised ring infiltrometers constructed from cans, or by augering a hole and measuring the rate at which water poured into it declines during a specified period of time. With a ring, the water should be kept at a constant head about 3 cm above the surface and the amount of water added to the ring recorded. Field testing kits are described in the literature. Rain water or demineralised water should be used for the test. For larger areas rainfall simulation experiments can be used. Digging a hole and making a sketch of the variation in the wetting front can be used to record variations in permeability after natural and simulated rainfall.
Limits of the indicator Often, reported values are unreliable because poor quality water is used in the test. The actual values measured are sensitive to details of the experiment. What is interesting is the general order of magnitude and the changes that occur in time, and the patterns that are observed in the field.
Linkages with other indicators Erosion risk (RDI), Infiltration capacity, Parent material, Soil crusting, Soil erosion (USLE), Soil quality index, Soil texture, Water storage capacity, Management quality index, Tillage operations, Grazing intensity, Runoff water storage, Water availability.

5. Evaluation of data needs and availability

Data required to calculate the indicator This field measurement determinations needed to calculate this indicator has not been systematically collected in Europe. In the USA this is now the case. They could be collected by farmers as a compliance (response) indicator.
Data sources Organisations responsible for soil and water conservation, land owners and land users.
Availability of data from national and international sources Some data available from Agricultural and Environmental Services. Examples of how to organise and collect data can be found in the USA.

6. Institutions that have participated in developing the indicator

Main institutions responsible Foundation for Sustainable Development (3D-EC), Netherlands
Other contributing organizations Many organisations such as the ESSC, CSIC, the Universities of Ghent, Wageningen, Amsterdam and INRA and Valencia and the agricultural University of Athens have contributed to the development of this indicator

7. Additional information

Bibliography ** missing
Other references  
Contacts Name and address

A.C. Imeson
Foundation for Sustainable Development (3D-EC), Netherlands
