SoCo Case Studies

The SoCo project comprises 10 case studies in the EU-27 taking into account territorial coverage, farm structures, typical agricultural soil degradation problems, farming systems and practices, existing policy measures and institutional conditions. The case studies include:

  • screening of farming practices that address soil conservation issues (soil erosion, soil compaction, loss of soil organic matter, contamination, etc.); the extent of their application under the local agricultural and environmental conditions; their potential effect on soil conservation; and their economic aspects (in the context of overall farm management);
  • (an in-depth analysis of the design and implementation of agri-environmental measures under the rural development policy and other relevant policy measures or instruments for soil conservation;
  • examination of the link with other related environmental objectives (water, biodiversity, climate change, air pollution, etc.).


The selected case studies are:

In the course of the case studies, 5 workshops (single or joint workshops of up to three case studies) were held to present and discuss the main results with local agricultural and other stakeholders, relevant NGOs, representatives of the authorities and policy-makers. The case study workshops served as a first dissemination activity. Representatives of policy makers, farmers and other stakeholders from neighbouring countries/regions with similar soil conservation issues have been invited to discuss the findings and to collect additional views and experiences. These workshops took place in mid 2008 in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK.